Top Ten Questions to Measure Whether You're a Top Manager!
Ask a manager what kind of boss
they are the typical response is: "I do a good job."
A manager will often respond by saying: "I'm able to get
things done. I accomplish goals within a specified time period
and I utilize team members effectively." Think about it. As much as you enjoy appreciation and validation, don't you learn more from differences of opinion? Here are some questions from the book "First Break All The Rules" (Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman & The Gallop Organization) that have the potential for opening new horizons for growth if you listen carefully to the answers. Take action on the responses. As you do, you'll be upgrading your communication and managerial skills - becoming a top manager in the process! (Hint: you must precede your
request for employees' opinions by demonstrating your commitment
to a learning environment. If people don't feel safe, they won't
speak their minds. It's up to you to create an environment that
allows for freedom of expression for positive gain. Give permission
and create a space for employees to speak their minds. The benefits
will be worth it.) "As for the best leaders,
the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the
people honor and praise. The next, the people fear; and the next,
the people hate. When the best leader's work is done, the people
say, 'We did it ourselves'."
The questions are: 1. Do I know what's expected
of me at work? Not only in terms of actual job function, but
in a systemic context as well. Other questions include: Am I
expected to change things or maintain the status quo? Am I expected
to come up with new ideas, or keep my mouth shut? What is expected
of me given the culture of my organization? 3. Does my supervisor care about me as a person? 4. Do I have the resources I need? 5. Have I recently received recognition for good work? 6. Is there someone who encourages my development? 7. Do my opinions matter? 8. Do I feel that my job is important, within the context of the organization's long-term vision and mission? 9. Are my co-workers committed to excellence? 10. This year, have I had an
opportunity to grow? Am I challenged and inspired in my current
project or assignment? Jan Gordon, LCSW is an Executive and Personal Coach who finds great joy in helping her clients achieve outstanding results! Ms. Gordon provides coaching to individuals and teams who are dedicated to enhancing their personal power and sense of fulfilment. Her coaching embraces the concept that challenge provides opportunity. Visit her website at: www.qualitycoaching.com. Jan can reached at jan@qualitycoaching.com
Copyright © 2001 by
Jan Gordon. All Rights Reserved. This content may be forwarded only in full, with copyright/bio/contact/creation information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Jan Gordon is required.