Top 10 Qualities of Excellence
1. Natural Talent - Know Your
An uncut diamond has a wealth of unrealized possibility and brilliance.
The beauty inherent in the diamond beckons us to develop its
potential. Likewise, we are at our best when we develop our natural
talent. Know your brilliance and learn to become it every day.
2. Invest in your success.
Life rewards those who
are invested in their success. If you're ambivalent about what
you really want, you won't get what's most important. Let what
ever it is you're striving for mean something to you! Don't stay
stuck if you're not happy or making progress. Invest in your
success so you're completely passionate and motivated towards
realizing your dream. Believe in your dream and you'll be invested
in the creation of your success.
3. Integrity
When you have integrity,
your word means something. If people can't depend on your word,
integrity's lacking. If your actions aren't aligned with your
words, a disconnect occurs this disconnect then compromises
your integrity. Integrity is the quality of being complete
and undivided living from "what's right." Live
life so that you are always in a state of integrity.
4. Passion
Passion is that which
deeply moves us. It's the fire from within and that which motivates
us. Passion deeply stirs us and compels us into action. Passion
gives us the ability to be touched, moved and inspired. Passion
is at the core of excellence tap into yours and let it
guide your vision!
5. High Standards
Excellence implies striving for quality. Standards of excellence
are those that are flawless and impeccable. Do you complete work?
Do you surround yourself with people who nourish your spirit
and intellect? Do you address discrepancies or concerns on the
spot? Good isn't enough; we need to exceed expectations and continually
raise the bar for excellence. In this way, quality is continually
6. Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and innovation
require openness and questioning. The belief that anything's
possible paves the way for creative thinking. *Outside of the
box* thinking produces innovation, and what company doesn't want
to be at the forefront of innovation? Creativity and innovation
require a boldness to play and discover... to be comfortable
enough to admit that one doesn't know the answers. It's in the
openness to not knowing the answers that allow creativity and
innovation to be born.
7. Self Awareness
Self-awareness, particularly about the supports and structures
that bring out our best, is key. Lacking self-awareness is like
stumbling in the dark - one randomly bumps into what one is looking
for. Contrast this to knowing exactly the supports and structures
that support you. With self-awareness, one is able to get oneself
*into the zone* with precision and accuracy. Pay attention and
observe yourself to enhance your self-awareness skills.
8. Commitment
Commitment implies a
willingness and a *stick-to-it-ness.* If one is committed, one's
support is uncompromising and unending. One is willing to do
anything in support of the commitment. Commitment drives us and
anchors us during challenging times. Commitment enables us to
maintain a high degree of perseverance. Commitment opens the
door to self-mastery and excellence.
9. Showing Up
It doesn't matter HOW
we show up, what matters is THAT we show up. Day after day, step
after step. Don't let temporary obstacles keep you from showing
up on a day to day basis. Pace yourself like an athlete and learn
to develop new habits by incorporating the behavior on a day
to day to day basis. Show up no matter what, and you'll gain
stability and forward momentum as you move your vision forward.
10. Contribution
Looking back, what do
you want the memories of your life to be? Excellence isn't solely
about success, measured by how much money or notoriety we gain.
Success is definitely not excellence if we've stomped on people
en route to our goals!
Excellence is about contributing
our best to the world while evoking others to do the same. It's
about understanding our place and making our mark in the world,
as we attempt to make it a better place. Excellence is about
contribution and honoring others as we move forward towards our
vision. Excellence lies in the hearts of all who evoke it in
others by mentoring, supporting, exemplifying and giving back.
Jan Gordon, LCSW is an Executive and Personal Coach who finds great joy in helping her clients achieve outstanding results! Ms. Gordon provides coaching to individuals and teams who are dedicated to enhancing their personal power and sense of fulfilment. Her coaching embraces the concept that challenge provides opportunity. Visit her website at: Jan can reached at
Copyright © 2002 by
Jan Gordon. All Rights Reserved. This content may be forwarded only in full, with copyright/bio/contact/creation information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Jan Gordon is required.
Jan Gordon
Phone: 954.590.0592